Friday, December 13, 2013


The new year is full of possibilities.  But only if you're willing to step out of your comfort zone.


Every year millions of people make resolutions and every year, only about 8% of the people keep those resolutions.  That's why I set goals and map out a plan to achieve them.  I decide what I want to do and then figure out how I'm going to do it.

But, before I even sat down to write out my goals, I wrote down my top three priorities.  This three priorities are so important that everything else has support one of them in some way.  If the goal doesn't fit my priorities, then it's not a goal I want to pursue.

For 2014, my top 3 priorities are:

1) My relationship with God- Making sure that is in line and is reflected in everything else I do.
2) My relationship with my husband and kids- Making sure that they know they are my priority and that I'm never too busy with *stuff* to be present in their lives.
3) My health- Making sure that I take care of myself so that I can take care of others and be able to enjoy my life.

My next step is to start thinking about my goals.  What are some of the key races I want to run?  What things do I want to do with the kids in school- field trips, projects?  What missions do I want to support?  

Once I have those (and many other questions) answered, I can start set my big goals.  Those big goals are then broken into smaller goals- mini goals that added together equal my larger goal.  

If you need help planning out your goals, join our facebook page!  We'll be offering tips and guides over the next few weeks to get you started

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