kind of not working the way I planned. I'm 37 weeks pregnant today and the last month has not been what I had planned. I'm struggling to get in a mile walk in every day and Prenatal Pilates is not done the two to three times a week I had planned. I faithfully do my fifty squats and laugh at the thought of doing my weights or push ups.
In my first trimester I swore that I would work hard through every single bit of this pregnancy. Then we moved and things got a little wonky and scattered. Now I'm literally weeks away from delivery and I'm TIRED and sore and uncomfortable.....literally the excuses could go on and on and on.
Here's my big problem though, I feel better when I work out and it's good for me and the baby.
On that note here is the Tired and Lazy Mom to be Workout:
Walk (or waddle) one time around the cul-de-sac or street
15 Squats holding onto a chair
5 Push ups using an exercise or birthing ball. These can also be done against a wall
Walk around the cul-de-sac again
15 Plie squats
10 Push ups
Walk the circle again!
10 Squats
10 Plie Squats
15 Push Ups
Slowly stretch out your body and drink a lot of water.
Brag to all of your friends that you worked out.
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