Monday, August 4, 2014

My Little Business

It all started simply enough, I decided to get certified as a Holistic Health Coach.  This would enable me to reach more people and I could really feel the LORD leading me through the door.  The timing made no sense to me whatsoever; we had just moved, I was pregnant, Rusty was no longer working from home, the list goes on and on.  However, I enrolled in school and I LOVE it!  
This is something I have talked for two years about wanting to do and now I am over halfway through the year long program!  This is a fun and somewhat overwhelming time.  I am now able to take clients, real people that pay me to help them!  
In the past month I have: taken a test, set up a website, designed business cards, ordered business cards, designed brochures, ordered brochures, set up a newsletter, designed a business plan, and somehow planned part of the kids school. 
The biggest thing that has happened though is that I signed a lease and will be working out of my chiropractor's office.  It's a neat arrangement that I fell into and is also somewhat overwhelming!
I imagined working from home and meeting clients over the phone but this will allow me some freedom and the ability to meet local people in person.  Anyone that is not in the Austin area I will meet on the phone but I won't have to lock myself in my bedroom and my husband won't have to keep the kids quiet.  
I would love for all of you to take a minute and sign up for my newsletter, contact me for a free health consultation, or just check out my website.  Lynette and I have some fun stuff in the works and we can't wait to tell you about it! 

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