Friday, June 14, 2013

Getting Organized

As I'm slowly unpacking my things and deciding what we actually need in the camper, I'm realizing I have too much stuff.  There, I said it.  I have too much stuff.

lPhoto by lberger1016

The problem arises on what to do about the food I had in my nice big walk- in pantry.  Most of the things can be transferred into smaller containers (bulk beans, rice, quinoa...).  And the canned goods can go in the storage areas under the beds.  But that still leaves a lot of things that need to find a home.  And not just any home, but one that makes it easier to get to and use those items =)

So my coffee maker is on the counter and all the necessary items for it are in the cupboard directly above it.  My dishes are in the cabinet above the table, because that's where they will be used daily.  Larger items like my crockpot and an electric skillet that I found are in a drawer under the fridge.  In the other drawer under the fridge are my pots and pans (or the ones that came with the camper because they're smaller!) and the baking pans (again the smaller size) are in the oven.

Besides the food that is in pest proof containers, most of the food we use on a regular basis is stored in the cabinets above the sink area.  I also have some of the larger items in the cabinet above the sofa (right next to the stove).

I'm going to have to be a lot pickier about what gets stored in the fridge.  It's not much larger than a dorm size fridge.  With trips into town being limited, I won't be able to buy as much fresh produce- good thing my in- laws have a garden I can raid ;)  And I'll be getting some container gardens growing soon.  Most of our produce will be frozen since we have an additional freezer in the tent.

After working on the organization (trying to fit 6 people into a camper with their clothes and some toys!) for almost a week, I think I'm almost done.  I know there's a couple more boxes with kitchen stuff in them (I haven't found my french press yet!) but I do know I have the bulk of that I need organized and put away.

Maybe next week I'll actually get around to posting about how the cooking has been going lol!

How do you organize those hard to organize spaces?

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