Friday, December 20, 2013

Plans Foiled?

In February I got talked into running The Hot Chocolate 5k with some friends from bootcamp.  I thought that it was pretty pricey but I "NEEDED" the hoodie you got as your swag bag, seriously I needed it A LOT.  While I was there I vowed to run the 15k next year. 
Wouldn't you run for this???
As you all know I have struggled to stay committed to running this past year and have had ups and downs but I signed up for the 15k with a bunch of other ladies from the Austin running club I joined.  So here I am pregnant and seven weeks from the race wondering if I have completely lost my mind.  
The answer is...maybe!  
I'm pretty sure that I can run/walk 9 miles.  It may not be pretty but it will get done.  
I am working on staying consistent to my training plan and I have talked with my midwife about my plan and she was very encouraging about my goal.  
I am not killing myself with my training plan but I am challenging myself just enough to get that "high" feeling after each workout.  
My husband and kids have been very encouraging this week while I freaked out when I realized that I am seven weeks away to race day, oh and I have a move tossed in there!
I'm really looking forward to this years hoodie and refuse to back out now plus there is chocolate at the end.
I'm also really looking forward to posting my picture when I'm done, you will all get to see a sweaty Kelli!
Did I mention that Lynette is running this too?  She will probably be done and getting a massage by the time I'm finished but it'll be nice to run a race with her again.  
So that's what has been going on in my head this week.  What goals and challenges are you focusing

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